Recipe: Gazpacho by Antonio Lombardi, chef at Magazzino del Gusto

Enjoy an amazing fresh recipe perfect for the July heat provided by Antonio Lombardi, chef at Magazzino del Gusto, the first food and wine shop of the Chianti Fiorentino area.

This delicious dish is all made with raw ingredients. Hence, their quality is extremely important.

Chef Antonio sources all the ingredients from Magazzino del Gusto’s bioactive vegetable garden. Enjoy recreating this recipe by using local produce nearest you!

Ingredienti per 6 persone

600 gr pomodori datterini maturi
¼ di cipolla bianca fresca
1 cetriolo sbucciato
10 foglie basilico
100 ml olio evo
40 gr. di aceto di vino bianco
60 gr. di aceto balsamico
Sale e pepe q.b.
½ peperone rosso ben maturo (a piacere)

Lavare bene le verdure, tagliarle a pezzi e inserirle insieme al resto in un capiente mixer.


Filtrare con un colino a maglia fine.

Versare in una coppetta aggiungendo un filo di olio crudo.

Al Magazzino del Gusto viene servito con burrata e un’aringa, ma può essere servito con del pane croccante a dadi oppure un gambero o calamaro fritto tuffato nella salsa.

Buon Appetito!

Ingredients for 6 people

1 ½ pounds ripe tomatoes
¼ fresh white onion
1 peeled cucumber
10 basil leaves
3.5 oz. extra virgin olive oil
1.5 oz. white wine vinegar
2 oz. balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
½ ripe red pepper (to taste)

Wash the vegetables well, cut them into pieces, and put them together in a large mixer.


Filter with a fine mesh strainer.

Pour into a cup adding a drizzle of raw olive oil.

At Magazzino del Gusto, it is served with burrata and a herring, but it can be served with croutons, or a fried prawn or squid dipped in sauce.

Buon Appetito!

Restaurant and its affiliated photos here

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